If it is was up to realtors, we would still be using leeches to cure illnesses. They resist all change and progress if it means it might negatively effect their business or hint at the fact that they are creating far less value than they are receiving in commissions. So their solution isn’t to figure out how to add more value, it’s to slander and dumb everything else down. They would rather homeowners lose money than lose business. Any Realtor that does not cooperate with Zillow, Trulia, etc., is doing their client a serious disservice. That is where all the eyeballs are. From marketing standpoint, you’re losing your client money not having the property on Zillow. That aside, this disconnect in this article has to do with fighting inevitable change, transparency and disintermediation. You can’t fight Netflix, Airbnb, Uber, etc., the market has spoken. Disintermediation is the theme of the 21st century. It is amazing that anyone could think a few anecdotal problems with Zestimate or data or something, is good reason to persuade tens of millions of people each year to not go to a site that curates all the listings and makes them publicly available for everyone to see. Zillow has done more work in 5 years, than all the realtors combined since the 1940s in getting homes sold quickly and for the most amount of money possible, by providing a platform for the highest number of consumers to go to become aware of property. What are they supposed to do — go inside the brokerage and flip through a binder like the old days? Zillow has also raised the bar for the packaging and presentation of property. The MLS was allowing for up to 4 pictures when Zillow was allowing for up to 30. If Realtors disappeared, the collective net worth of homeowners everywhere would go up. If Zillow disappeared, they would go down. That’s a statement of economics and science.